Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Navajo Churro fleece project: wash, card, spin, dye

Navajo Churro Raw Fleece Project

Last Friday, a friend gave me an unwashed partial Navajo Churro fleece to mess around with. The next day, I set out washing the fleece and letting it air dry. The following day, I lightly carded about half of the wool with my vintage hand carders (they're actually cotton carders, but they worked fine for what I had in mind). After carding, I began rough spinning on my Lendrum spinning wheel until I had three single-ply skeins of yarn (somewhere between fingering and sport weight). Then, I dyed them using RIT dye (I have Jacquard acid dyes, but I wanted to test these out, so I just used RIT) and let them dry overnight. I plan to use these for an upcoming weaving project, so stayed tuned!

unwashed fleece

washing the fleece

hand carding wool

carded wool

spinning single plyed skeins

undyed skein

Rit dyed skeins